Publication List
Papers in preparation:
A. Desai,, ”A multi-wavelength view of the multimessenger sources: PKS1502+106 and NGC 1068.”,in-prep
A. Desai, as part of the IceCube Collaboration, ”Testing the multimessenger connection between IceCube neutrinos and RFC AGN.”, status:In internal IceCube collaboration review stage.
First or contributing author papers:
A. Desai on behal of the IceCube Collaboration, "Probing the connection between IceCube neutrinos and MOJAVE AGN", arXiv:2407.01351
A. Desai, J Vandenbroucke, S Anandagoda, J Thwaites, MJ Romfoe, "Constraints on the origins of the Galactic neutrino flux”, ApJ 966 23 (2024)
A. Desai, J Thwaites, J Vandenbroucke, "Exploring the Galactic neutrino flux origins using IceCube datasets, ICRC, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2307.15322
A Dom ́ınguez, , M L ́ainez, VS Paliya, N ́Alvarez-Crespo, M Ajello, J Finke, et al. ”Constraints on redshifts of blazars from extragalactic background light attenuation using Fermi-LAT data”, MNRAS, Volume 527, Issue 3, January 2024
A Dom ́ınguez, Østergaard Kirkeberg, R Wojtak, A Saldana-Lopez, A. Desai, JR Primack, J Finke, M Ajello, PG P ́erez-Gonz ́alez, VS Paliya, D Hartmann, ”A new derivation of the Hubble constant from Gamma-ray attenuation using improved optical depths for the Fermi and CTA era”,APJ, arXiv:2306.09878
A. Pizzuto,A. Desai,J. Vandenbroucke as part of the IceCube Collaboration,”Constraints on populations of neutrino sources from searches in thedirections of IceCube neutrino alerts”, ApJ 951 45 (2023)
S Anandagoda, D.H. Hartmann,C.L. Fryer, M. Ajello,A. Desai, A.L.Hungerford,L.The, ”Cosmic Supernova Neutrino and Gamma-ray Backgrounds in theMeV Regime”, Submitted to Apj
J.D. Finke, M. Ajello, A. Dominguez,A. Desai, D.H. Hartmann, V.S.Paliya, A. Saldana-Lopez,”Modeling the Extragalactic Background Lightand the Cosmic Star Formation History”, accepted by ApJ, arxiv:2210.01157
A. Desai, J. Vandenbroucke, A. Pizzuto, ”Testing the AGN Radioand Neutrino correlation using the MOJAVE catalog and 10 years ofIceCube Data”, ICRC 2021, arXiv:2107.08115
A. Pizzuto,A. Desai, R. Hussain, ”Realtime Follow-up of AstrophysicalTransients with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory”, ICRC 2021, arXiv:2107.09551
S. Anandagoda, D.H. Hartmann, M. Ajello,A. Desai“The DiffuseSupernova Neutrino Background”, RNAAS, 4, 1, January 2020
A. Dom ́ınguez, R. Wojtak, J. Finke, M. Ajello, K. Helgason, F. Prada,A. Desai, V. Paliya, L. Marcotulli, D.H. Hartmann “A new measurementof the Hubble constant and matter content of the Universe using extragalactic background light gamma-ray attenuation”, ApJ 885 (2), 137
A.Desai“Unveiling the cosmic history of Light”, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 2019,Link
A. Desai, K. Helgason, M. Ajello, V. Paliya, A. Domınguez, J. Finkeand D. Hartmann “A GeV-TeV Measurement of the Extragalactic Background Light”, 2019APJL,874,1
A. Desai, S. Marchesi, M. Rajagopal, M. Ajello “Identifying the 3FHL catalog: II. Results of the CTIO-COSMOS optical spectroscopy campaign”,2019ApJ,241,1
Fermi-LAT Collaboration, “A gamma-ray determination of the Universe’s star formation history”,
Science, 362, November 2018
A. Desai, M. Ajello, N. Omodei, D. H. Hartmann, A. Domınguez, V. Paliya, K. Helgason, J. Finke and M Meyer “Probing the EBL evolution at high redshift using GRBs detected with the Fermi LAT”,2017ApJ,850,73D
See list of Collaborative papers at: Link (Google Scholar)
Some Highlights with Intersting Plots:
In this work we use a simulation to find the number of sources that can contribute to the detected Galactic neutrino emission using IceCube. The plot shows the number of sources that can be detected (orange and blue lines) and resolved (green and pink lines) by IceCube (on the y-axis) for a number of simulated sources (on the x-axis). The plot highlights that if there were fewer than ~10 sources responsible for the measured Galactic neutrino flux, for both the tracks and cascade datasets, then at least one or two sources would be detected and resolved by IceCube. However, because IceCube has not detected any Galactic sources, this scenario is ruled out.
Link: Probing the connection between IceCube neutrinos and MOJAVE AGN, submitted to ApJ
Here we use the data in the MOJAVE XV catalog to test the hyothesis that neutrinos produced in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) have a 1:1 correlation with radio flux density from VLBA. Upper Limits (UL) per neutrino (ν + ¯ν) flavor, for an index of 2.0 (left) and 2.5 (right solid line), derived from the time-dependent (blue) and time-averaged (orange solid line) analyses are shown here along with the limits from other analyses.
Here we try to figure out if Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are neutrino emitters and if there exists a 1:1 correlation between IceCube neutrinos and time-integrated radio flux from VLBA.
Figure shows the stacked differential neutrino flux upper-limits that originating from an AGN sample.
Link: A GeV-TeV Measurement of the Extragalactic Background Light, ApJ L 2019
Figure shows the modeled Extragalactic Background Light (also known as all the light in the universe) deried using a sample of AGN sources observed using GeV and TeV data from Fermi-LAT and Cherenkov telescopes.
Link: A γ-ray determination of the Universe's star-formation history
Figure shows the optical depth due to the Extragalactic Background Light at different redhisft and energy values. A huge sample of Fermi-LAT AGNs were used in this study. We also made use of the updated EBL measurements to comment on the Star Formation Rate Density.